Friday, February 26, 2010
Melissa Auf der Maur Has 'a Thing' for Danzig
Melissa Auf der Maur considers herself "the luckiest girl in the world." The solo artist and former Hole bassist lured Glenn Danzig to sing with her on 'Father's Grave' for her new MAdM album, 'Out Of Our Minds,' due out March 30.
"I wish I had a flag to wave this, or could wave this on my forehead every day, but this is the first and only duet of Glenn Danzig's entire career. I'm the only woman -- or man -- who has been graced with his presence on their record," Auf der Maur gushes. Yes, gushes.
Cick HERE for the full article
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
New Danzig album to be titled "Deth Red Sabaoth"
The lineup on this album will be:
Glenn Danzig - Vocals, Guitar, Keyboards
Tommy Victor - Guitar
Steve Zing - Bass
Johnny Kelly - Drums
Click HERE to read more.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
Bobby Steele on health care

Written by Bobby Steele on February 16, 2010
"Here are a few facts to consider when you’re listening to discussions on this issue.
I was born in 1956 with Spina Bifida. At the time, my father worked for a small auto dealership as a mechanic. In 1962, he left that job and a year later landed a new one. In the interim, we moved to Hawaii, where jobs were lacking and schools weren’t up to par. While there, I contracted a strain of Polio. Yet, after moving back to New Jersey and finding new employment, and then discovering that I also had a tumor in my spine that was a result of the Spina Bifida (that oft-discussed “pre-existing condition” we hear so much about in this debate), the insurance company picked up the entire tab for surgery that, in today’s dollars would probably add up to well over a million dollars..."
For the rest of this article, click HERE
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Bleeding Through's Brandan Schieppati interviews Glenn Danzig for Revolver Magazine
"Standing outside a Los Angeles delicatessen, waiting for Glenn Danzig to arrive, Bleeding Through frontman Brandan Schieppati admits that he’s a little nervous. Though Bleeding Through have opened for Danzig in the past, Schieppati has never actually met his hero before, and he’s well aware of Danzig’s reputation for being a difficult (if not downright hostile) interview subject. “Even my friends who know him have told me not to get my hopes up,” he says uneasily..."
Click HERE to read the full interview

I found this the other day, pretty funny:
NEWS, January 2010 - New epidode "Meet E.T." is up. The boys are still currently in production working on the high def, stop motion short film, entitled "Jerry And Doyle Save Earth". Stay tuned here for more details...
Glenn Danzig talks about each song on Lucifuge
Long Way Back From Hell: "What happens when you're doing something you're not prepared to pay the consequences for. If it's too hot in hell, then don't sign up."
Snakes Of Christ: "The Catholics and the Baptists have perverted the teachings of Christ. Worshiping their version of Christ could be considered by some to be as bad as worshiping Satan."
Killer Wolf: "My version of an old blues song about a guy who wolfs around the door of every girl in town. An old braggin' blues."
Tired Of Bein' Alive: "Self-explanatory."
I'm The One: "About a guy realizing his destiny. Another blues song. If you listen to them, all of my records have a bluesy feel to them. They're crazy and wild but also bluesy. Probably more on this record than ever before though."
Her Black Wings: "About women to the 10th power."
Devil's Plaything: "Control over another person."
777: "Armageddon. What exists after 666? The end."
Blood & Tears: "A girl's failed relationship and her subsequent torment."
Girl: "Sex to a new plateau."
Eerie Von: Suicide Girls interview
He’s also been a prolific photographer for decades. His first photoshoot was in high school when he photographed the band The Misfits. The Misfits were never a huge band and were together only a few years, but they were influential, straddling horror metal and punk rock and creating a new sound.
“Misery Obscura” is Von’s first book, a collection of three decades of photographs of the bands he was in, the musicians he knew and a great look at the music scene. We talked with him recently about the book...
Danzig: 07-09-92 Rolling Stone write up
Glenn Danzig was already raging at the heavens when he fronted his punk-era band The Misfits. Except for the Sex Pistols, no other punk band vented its sociopathic spleen so explicitly. Danzig sang the chorus of The Misfits favorite "Astro Zombies" like he meant every word: "I'd do anythin' to exterminate/The whole fuckin' human race!" But he borrowed his imagery from grade-Z movies and old EC horror comics, which served as a distancing device. When he sang "Astro Zombies," he was assuming the persona of a creature in a film by cult director Ted V. Mikels. His next band Samhain, celebrated the mysteries of the pre-Christian earth religions and went way over the noggins of the headbangers. Now Danzig rages full on.
But amid the rage lurk sadness and regret. Danzig may have given up on the church long ago, but the way he tells it in "Godless," the stunning opening track of How The Gods Kill, that wasn't a casual choice. "I can't believe in all your pain/Under the draining of a Christian deities blood," he sings. "You tell your children they're insane... I had to listen to my heart... and so you leave me godless."
For years now, Glenn Danzig's preeminence as a singer has been one of rock's best-kept secrets. The passion, vocal musicianship and drama of his singing on the title song elevate this mix of metal, brooding balladry and unforgettable imagery to sublime status. After starting out sounding like a straight-ahead metal band with affinities for both blues and thrash, Danzig the group has evolved, in the course of three albums, into a resourceful, tightly meshed unit, still rough and raw (no "power ballads" or sweet vocal harmonies, thank you) but with range and assurance.
Danzig embodies the best in contemporary hard rock while displaying an originality that trancends genres. The group's music may explore dark corners of the human soul, but it does not glamorize the darkness; Glenn Danzig is a realist, not a nihilist. His fundamental themes are spiritual death and rebirth, the liberation of the individual, the search for beauty and truth in the shadows of a cynical world. Rock is alarmingly short of visionaries these days; Danzig is the genuine article.
-Robert Palmer
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Samhain - playing the song "Samhain" at the last show of the 1999 reunion tour
SAMHAIN - 1999 Reunion Tour / Last Show ! from London May on Vimeo.
From London May's Vimeo account:
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Danzig: Live - 08-03-90 @ Riviera Theater Chicago, IL
03. Snakes of Christ
04. Killer Wolf
05. Am I Demon
06. Mother
07. Instrumental
08. Devil's Plaything
09. She Rides
10. Her Black Wings
11. Blood and Tears
12. Tired of Being Alive
13. Pain in the World
14. Twist of Cain
15. 777
16. The Hunter
17. Evil Thing
18. Not of This World
19. Trouble
20. Soul on Fire
"Three weeks into our deal, Roy Disney found out we were signed to his label. They promised me my own label. Michael Eisner himself said, "You're going to be totally autonomous and no one is going to screw with you." It was the biggest load of bullshit. Three weeks in he pulled the plug on us when he saw this Tower Pulse! cartoon where me and Eisner are shaking hands and Mickey Mouse has all these 666's on his head and upside down crosses and people on rides burning and shit. People started protesting, sending e-mail and faxes that we were on the label. So we got out of there" - Glenn Danzig
Monday, February 15, 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Monday, February 8, 2010
Samhain Interview - XXX Fanzine # 15: 1986
Glenn Danzig: Vocals
Eerie Von: Bass
London May: Drums
Damien: Guitar
XXX: On the new record, it seems as if the band is better defining their sound and ideas.
Glenn: Well, the band has been together longer and we now have a better idea of what we want to be doing. We've been together long enough to know what we want to do and what we don't want to do. The music is becoming more and more definable as the "Samhain sound". We don't want to sound like other bands. A lot of people don't know where we're coming from, especially when "Unholy Passion" came out and took a lot of people by surprise. We don't want to sound like other bands that tend to sound alike. They can all fight for their various positions. We are Samhain.
XXX: What is Samhain trying to do?
Eerie: We're just progressing naturally.
Glenn: Definitely. Of course there has to be a certain amount of violence and aggression.
Eerie: Energy.
Glenn: And power. We're also touching upon a lot of other stuff that other people don't write about. A lot of people will write us off as a horror band or a continuation of the Misfits but if they actually sit down and read the lyrics, they'll realize they're selling us short. Our ideas are pretty well thought out.
XXX: What are some of your songs about?
Glenn: Which ones?
XXX: "Pony Girl"
Glenn: Fucking.
Eerie: You can tell from the song and the music.
Glenn: It's an homage to early Iggy and early Velvet Underground.
Eerie: And he's had a lot of inspiration.
XXX: "November Coming Fire"
Glenn: Basically, that's giving a little more dimension to the Samhain concept. I want people to read the words I write and to think beyond what they know and understand. They should push their limits which is something a lot of people aren't doing too much.
XXX: I'd agree. Samhain are doing a lot more than being a horror band to the point of speaking Latin on "Halloween II"
Glenn: That comes from the Misfits but I'm definitely pushing a very intelligent thing.
Eerie: There's a lot of thought that goes on with the records.
Glenn: Right now, there's nobody that I really like writing lyrics. I go through and read a lot of lyrics and aside from some of the stuff that Nick Cave was doing when he was really burning out on drugs, there's nothing that really knocks me out.
Eerie: When the lyrics came out on a sheet, I sat down and read them. I called Glenn up and told him they were great. I don't know if people deserve them.
Glenn: I agree, but I hear a lot of people talking about lyrics and writing, and poetry...
XXX: I think there's a lot of thought going down in them.
Glenn: In Samhain, I'm a lot more serious where in the Misfits I thought about what I was writing but it's just a lot more serious now.
Eerie: It's a lot more realistic.
Damien: A lot of the situations have more to do with real life.
Glenn: Definitely. Like in "Let the Day Begin". It's almost explosive.

XXX: Why does this band go under the name Samhain?
Eerie: You mean why aren't we called Sam and the Slammies?
Glenn: It fits with what me and Eerie were going through at the time concerning the death of the Misfits and Rosemary's Babies and the birth of Samhain which all happened on the same Halloween night.
Eerie: We had been talking about doing it and that night it all came together.
Glenn: It was also something that I had been thinking about. I wanted to talk about the violent part of things and how you cannot deny certain aspects of the violent part of life and the world. They're there and you have to deal with them for better or worse.
XXX: So it's not a direct sort of violence but almost a background sense.
Glenn: It comes down to relating the violence in your life and accepting the fact that we live on a planet where we have violent confrontations. You may not have them for a long time, but you've got to be prepared for the fact that you're going to have them.
London: We just ask for it a bit more too instead of just laying back.
Glenn: I don't ask for it, I just think that you should be prepared for it. It's accepting and life and all that it offers both good and bad. We don't live on an idyllic little planet. The world is the world and you can't change that.
Eerie: You should accept everything that is thrown at you including the pain, the discomforts and the bad times. Those are the things that make life meaningful.
Glenn: If you didn't have bad times, you wouldn't know what the good times are. It's all relative.
XXX: That's a very Dante-esque outlook.
Eerie: If you will.
Glenn: If you will, Maestro!
Eerie: It's a matter of coming out on top and being a better and stronger individual for it.
Glenn: Everything that happens to you is meant to happen to you and you will learn from it. All experiences are worthwhile.
XXX: So the band is striving for a post punk sound.
Eerie: Put it this way, we're not punks.
Glenn: Essentially, we want something that's powerful. What I 'd like to stress is that our studio records are just that and in no way resemble the live thing. That's a lot more powerful. What I've noticed recently and what other people seem to mirror is that there aren't too many really great bands any more. There's nothing new going on. What I'm waiting to see is a lot of younger kids coming up with something fresh. There's just too many older people doing the same old thing. No one is really pressing their limits or showing any energy. Too many younger kids are just imitating Minor Threat.
XXX: Why do you think that happened?
Glenn: They got the scene handed to them on a platter. They didn't have to work very hard or put up with all the shit that we did. Most never got a chance to hone their thing down. Fuck, Mystic Records will sign anybody with a tape. It's just a bit too insincere.

XXX: What's up in the future for Samhain?
Glenn: A video. No playing along by an actual studio video of about six songs.
Eerie: Like Huey Lewis and the News.
Glenn: It will be on 16 mm transferred to video.
XXX: What kind of thing would you do given a movie.
Glenn: Well, I'm going to be doing a movie soon. Directing and producing.
XXX: Such as?
Glenn: I couldn't tell you since I wouldn't want them getting ripped off. Right now, there's a real dry spell or gore movies. It's funny, it seems like culture is dying. We're trying to kick out and keep it alive.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Friday, February 5, 2010
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Misfits - Braineaters
Misfits - Live - 01-07-83 @ Henry Ford Community Center Dearborn, MI
02. 20 Eyes
03. I Turned Into A Martian
04. All Hell Breaks Loose
05. Skulls
06. Mommy...Can I Go Out And Kill Tonight?
07. Nike-A-Go-Go
08. Where Eagles Dare
09. Horror Hotel
10. Ghouls Night Out
11. Devilock
12. Hellhound
13. London Dungeon
14. Violent World
15. Halloween
16. Devil's Whorehouse
17. Astro Zombies
18. Night Of The Living Dead
19. Attitude (2 Failed Attempts)
20. Horror Business
21. Bullet
22. Hatebreeders
23. Demonomania
24. Wolfsblood
25. Last Caress
26. Queen Wasp
27. Teenagers From Mars
28. Children In Heat
29. Braineaters
30. Vampira
31. Earth A.D.
32. Attitude