Versatility, dedication, and a brutal sense of keeping things honest are a few ways one could describe Glenn Danzig. For over thirty years Danzig has changed and influenced more music genres than one could even imagine while always keeping his integrity intact. From the horror punk styling of The Misfits to the evolutionary path of Samhain to Danzig, Glenn has kept us guessing what is next while in the same breath always staying true to his fans. You would be hard pressed to find any bands that in some form or another have not been influenced by the work he has put out. Like a tidal wave all these projects have grown at their own rate and swept aside the scenery that the mainstream constructors have built through the years and left behind a new horizon for us to look forward to. There were never any apologies or explanations like you seem to see in so many spineless "artists" but rather an uncompromising persistence in everything the Glenn did. Albums such as 'Lucifuge', 'How the Gods Kill', and much more seemed to take chances that most would be too scared to try, coupled with a voice I can only describe as Elvis meets Jim Morrison made them truly stand outs. This mentality of course didn't just apply to his vast music compositions; it also was fully demonstrated with the launch of his very own comic book company, Verotik. This was not your average run of the mill superhero in spandex comics, rather a very sexual, dark, depraved, and disturbing vision that with every issue had you itching for more. Glenn has always been one to do things his way and man did he always take us for a ride we wouldn't soon forget.
This brings us to 2010 and what seems to be Glenn's biggest year to date. Danzig is back and more determined than ever as he returns with a brand new album, 'Deth red Sabaoth', and this album stands to be his best work to date in my opinion. The album, in true Danzig form, is full of surprises and familiar faces as it marks the return of metal icon guitarist Tommy Victor of Prong and Johnny Kelly of Type O Negative and Seventh Void. However that is not all that is brewing Danzig's epic year, he has teamed up yet again with artist Simon Bisely to release a graphic collection of lost lyrics entitled "Hidden Lyrics" that is sure to make a sweet ending to every Danzig fan's wet dream. I had the honor of sitting down with Glenn and talking about what is in store for him, so ladies and gents sit back as I give you an interview with one of my own personal heroes; Glenn Danzig:
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